Bisnis Indonesia - Jakarta, October 19, 2015
The Ministry of Agriculture has set the target that 6 million Parent Stock are to be culled in one month.
The first stage is to cull 2 million Parent Stock this week.
The culling this week is part of a supply reduction program by the Director General of Livestock and Animal Husbandry, Mr Muladno. The Association of Poultry Breeders (GPPU) was appointed as the coordinator of the culling program.
Twelve poultry companies on 14 September 2015 agreed to a culling of 6 million Parent Stock to control the oversupply situation.
Charoen Pokphand Indonesia will cull 50% of the total 6 million Parent Stock culling program, Japfa Comfeed Indonesia will cull 16%, while other companies will cull between 0.35%-7.24%.
The culling is part of the Government’s effort to protect small farmers, by matching the Parent Stock population to the demand for chicken.

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